Monday 5 September 2016



Facebook, Twitter and Instagram's main source of revenue is through advertising on other social media sites through sidebar ads etc. They also receive revenue from third party companies adverting on their sites. Advertisers are then charged for having adds further providing revenue for the social media sites. Instagram and Twitter use promoted posts whilst the advertising on Facebook will often be banner ads. All rely on users likes to target the advertising.

Product/Service Reviews

The app store supported by Apple offers users the ability to review social media site's apps. It is designed to be visual and straightforward to inform other users whether the app/product is good or bad and for them to decide whether to download the product or not.

Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is a marketing technique whereby information about a company's goods or services is passed electronically from one Internet user to another. An example of viral marketing would be fast-casual chain Chipotle Mexican Grill added some spice to its long-running "Food With Integrity" sustainable farming campaign by teaming with Academy Award-winning design firm Moonbot Studios for The Scarecrow, an animated short film and accompanying mobile game created to increase consumer awareness of industrial food production. The short film reached 6.5 million YouTube views less than two weeks after its September 2013 premiere, while the free game reportedly topped 500,000 downloads within about six weeks of landing in Apple's App Store. At press time, YouTube views had passed 12 million. The game remains installed on untold numbers of iOS devices.

Review Examples

App Store (Rewarded)

Analysis: This review is from the app store designed by Apple, the review is written by a user of the application, who reviews the current version of the application. The review is then available for any other users to read before downloading the app.

Amazon Reviews (Rewarded)

Analysis: This review is of a film blu-ray, the user receives a copy of the film via postage and then reviews on the product's page the qualities of the product. The review is publicly available and can be taken down is it breaches Amazon's terms of service.

YouTube Reviews (Independent)

Analysis: This review is a video based review of the iPhone 7, it was uploaded by Techradar as has had over 400,000 views. These reviews are usually at least five minutes long and use extensive visuals to demonstrate their opinion on the product.


  1. To brief, missing direct marketing and needs examples to pass

  2. For each section you need to have a visual example to back up your points.
    For Advertising you have made a general point and need to be more specific in terms of giving amount of income generated by advertising spending. You should also distinguish between the different ways the platforms use advertising. For example both Instagram and Twitter use promoted posts whilst the advertising on Facebook will often be banner ads. All rely on users likes to target the advertising.

    For Viral Marketing you need to explain what it is and how it works. The example you give is good but you should embed the video in to help illustrate the point.

    The product review is broader than just the app store. Reviews are used on Amazon and third party providers such as Trust Pilot are used to offer 'independent' advice. However Amazon pay for people to review their products is an article about this.

    Overall each section needs more detail.

  3. Still need actual examples analysed for advertising

  4. You have examples but you need to analyse them?

  5. The above points still need actioning.

  6. Re arange sounder right headings
