Sunday 11 September 2016


Web Design - HairShare

Feedback: Change colours used for desktop background, aim general design towards females as they are the most likely users.

Profile page:

Search page:


Mobile login/sign up pages:

Share page:

Settings page:

Photo view page:

Monday 5 September 2016


PurposeThe purpose of HairShare is to allow users to share their hair with the entire world free of charge. Users can post as many photos as they like alongside other members of the public. The ability to search for specific photos is also allowed .

Format/Style: The format of the site will be very simple. The site offers three simple pages, a login page, an upload/world feed page, and a profile page. A settings page is also provided so that users can customise the site however they wish. A search page is also available so that users can search for whatever type of hair they wish to view. The simplicity of the site is designed for our young target audience as they likely will wish to use a simplistic site.

Target User/Membership: The target user is a young male or female between the ages of 13 and 25. The site will likely lend more towards females as typically they pay more attention and value on their hair. Due to this the colour scheme of the site and the photography of the site is aimed towards females more than males.

^ Example User: Olivia Clarke is studying hairdressing at sixth form but wants a way to share what she creates with the rest of the world. She's been learning about hairdressing in both her college education and in a part time job at her local barbers. She uses sites such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube in her spare time.

Target Audience Appeal: HairShare would appeal to the target audience because of it's simplicity, unlike competitors such as Instagram and Facebook, HairShare maintains a simple three page layout. A login page, a profile page, and the world feed. The website would also be appealing because of it's specific content, only photo's containing hair would be allowed on the site, therefore it'd be perfect for users who are looking for new styles, and don't want to sift through extensive irrelevant photos.

Production Plan: The website will be initially closed off to the general public, selected groups with varying diversity in age and gender will test the site, and provide feedback so that the site can improve before the launch date. The launch of the site will be late 2016, in time for Christmas, a period in which social media peaks in activity. Various improvements will occur overtime as the feedback comes in from the general public and the site will improve.

Legal/EthicalThe site's content might contain controversial material based on the photos users upload. This may include nudity, expletives and drug use, which could offend sensitive viewers. A solution for this would be to add a feature where the user must choose a suitable age rating and specify the content within the photo before uploading. This will then warn users that there will be drug use etc. Users can delete photos whenever they wish by going on their profile and clicking x on a chosen photo.

Production Grid

 October 2016
Initial beta site is tested by various groups for weaknesses/areas for improvement. Research and development will be continued by the team for perfection purposes.
 November 2016
Recommended improvements are applied to site, updating it in time for the public launch.
 December 2016
(LAUNCH DATE: 01/12/16)
Basic site is launched to the public, users begin to join and use the site, traffic begins to have an effect on servers.
 January 2017
Marketing for the application begins, online pop-ups, youtube advertisements and other forms of advertising begin for HairShare.
 February 2017
Mobile application is designed and pitched, following this the application is created and written.
 March 2017
Administrators are hired to watch over the content being uploaded to the HairShare website.
 April 2017
Mobile application is reformatted for tablets and smaller devices aside from smartphones e.g. smart watches.
 May 2017
Site expands to allow other countries to join the site aside from the U.S. and other sites are launched.

BudgetHairShare's budget for both the website and the mobile application will be approximately £7500. This money will go towards various creative departments, advertising and salaries. The graphic designers will receive £2000 altogether for their work on the project. Approximately £1500 will go into internet based advertising on sites such as Facebook and YouTube. For the app to be designed on the iPhone, it will require coding. This will realistically cost around £2000. Adding the iPad compatibility for the app will cost a 50% increase of the initial cost. Getting the rights and trademarks for the various names and artistic elements will cost £1500. The remaining £500 of the original budget will be held for any further needs of the application whether that be legal based or technology based extensions.

Privacy/SecurityHairShare offers its users the ability to share their location with their uploaded photo but it's not forced in any way. Users are not obliged to mention where they are uploading their photos. Users are asked by the application if they wish to share their location, to which they can agree or disagree. The app will respect the user's privacy and can be customised in the settings option. For security measures, the app gives a response whether the password created is long enough and suitable to ensure that the password will not be predictable.

If an individual uploads an image of another without consent or approval, the individual in the photo can apply for the photo to be removed on our complaints page. If the user responsible for uploading the unapproved photo, does this two more times, their account will be terminated without appeal.

Flow Diagram:


- Mind Map

- Ideas
1.) HairShare


PurposeThe purpose of HairShare is to allow users to share their hair with the entire world free of charge. Users can post as many photos as they like alongside other members of the public.

Format/Style: The format of the site will be very simple. The site offers three simple pages, a login page, an upload/world feed page, and a profile page. A settings page is also provided so that users can customise the site however they wish.

Target User/Membership: The target user is a young male or female between the ages of 13 and 25. The site will likely lend more towards females as typically they pay more attention and value on their hair.
2.) Big Book


Purpose: To allow users to learn GCSE level English on an online database. Users are able to work together on group tasks involving analysing chapters from famous books and other extracts.

Format/Style: The format of the Big Book website is rather complex, it involves multiple pages covering a range of topics and authors. There is a suggestion page, which offers users the ability to see popular books and exam papers. Students can also keep a record of homework and on their personal profile page. A settings page is also offered to help students customise their view of the site however they wish.

Target User/Membership: The target user for Big Book is GCSE students who are preparing for their examinations. Teachers can also use the website to learn about GCSE english courses so that can teach students with the right material.

3.) PosterMaker


Purpose: The purpose of PosterMaker is to allow users to upload standard photo's of themselves or others and have them be converted by the site into movie level professional posters.

Format/Style: The format of PosterMaker is rather simple, users upload photo's onto the editing page and choose a filter/style for the photo. Following the choice, PosterMaker edits the original photo and offers the ability to download it or upload it to the PosterMaker feed. Users can also customise the settings for their profile page if they wish.

Target User/MembershipThe target user for PosterMaker is millennial filmmakers who enjoy sites such as Instagram and other photo editing sites. Photoshop artists may also take to the simplicity of the application as it provides an instant makeover to their images.