Wednesday 13 July 2016



The purpose of Twitter is to allow users to express themselves in a limited amount of characters, messaging and replies are also available, connecting everyone online.


Twitter makes around $200,000 from from promotional trends and then it makes even more money through data licensing.

Target/User Membership

184 million are the mobile monthly active users. Also, 80% of the world's leaders use twitter. The age requirement to use twitter is 13 and targets a wide range of target demographic including companies and entertainment businesses.

Sources of Revenue

85% of Twitter's revenue comes from advertisements on the site.

Legal/Ethical Issues

There are over 20 million fake twitter accounts. Every tweet Americans send is archived by the library of congress.


Founded in 2004, Facebook was made to give people the power to share and allow users to be connected with other people around the world. Facebook is used to stay connected with friends and family as well as business purposes, news, entertainment and celebrity pages.


Facebook's content includes the ability to share photos, videos, articles and news. Facebook is the first to add 360 degree videos on social media platforms. Videos are also the most-shared content type on Facebook.

Target/User Membership

Facebook was originally named differently and had a niche market, targeting only college students throughout America. Now it is a worldwide social platform that can be used by all ages. Facebook  has more than 650 million active users  and about 70% of those users are outside of the United States. 66% of all millennials (15-34 year olds) use Facebook. The average time spent per Facebook visit is 20 minutes and 48% of 18-34 year olds check Facebook right when they wake up.

Sources of Revenue

Facebook's main financial success is through advertising. Companies approach Facebook and pay them to advertise products etc. Nearly 73% of ad revenue comes from mobile advertising. Facebook earns an average of US $5.85 from every U.S. user.

Legal/Ethical Issues

Facebook faces privacy issues and other things that seem to violate its policies and faces legal/ethical issues. 600,000 attempts to hack accounts daily. 29% don't use strong passwords. Facebook also tracks which sites you visit, even after you have signed out.


Instagram was made as an online mobile photo and video sharing app that allows users to share and view each other's content/profiles. Instagram has also been popular for celebrities that allows fans and users to catch up on the lives of the celebrities. It has also been known to spread news among Instagram users such as film trailers and exclusive look on films and TV shows.


Instagram uploads more than 80 million photos per day. In June 2013, Instagram launched its new video function. 5 million videos were uploaded within 24 hrs. Instagram's content features the uploading of photos and short videos that users can look at, 'like' their activity and follow other user profiles.

Target/User Membership

There is a fairly even gender split between Instagram users: 51% male/49% female. Instagram also has more than 400 million monthly active users.  It is required to be at the age of 13 to become a user of Instagram and targets teenagers, adults, photographers, celebrities and companies.

Sources of Revenue

Instagram's main source of revenue is through advertising companies like Nike, General Electric and Walt Disney Co.

Legal/Ethical Issues

14% of drivers admit that they check Instagram whilst driving. 9% of teenage girls claim that they have been bullied on Instagram.